I had a better day today... A long and BORING day, but it was better. Besides Sunday, when we had a total of 9 guests for the entire shift... today I had to be around political people... lol
Everyone loved the banana's foster bread pudding I made for the governor's book signing. The Casino COO said he loves it when I show off for his friends LOL *sigh* Wasn't really showing off, I just combined 2 traditional local southern dishes together. It is nice to be appreciated at work, though. He always thanks me personally for making something special for him and his wife when they come in to eat. It's embarrassing for me when he does it in the middle of the dining room in front of guests and takes me around to tables, introducing me to them... I'm shy! I prefer to hide in my pastry dungeon... out of sight of the guests. Don't let them see the sickly uneeek one with the smirk!
The new F&B Director tried the dessert and his eyes got all big. He started calling people over to come try it. *ack* I wanted to crawl under the table. Seriously.
I sent a long email to Marsi... I hope it wasn't too rambly. You know how I get when I can't sleep and am in pain... and stressed out... I was crying when I started it, but much calmer by the time I finished it. I miss you so much :( I hope Kelly can find the things of yours I want...
It's 3 am and there is a bird outside making noise. It might be the mockingbird that torments Taboo by making a noise like one of his squeakers...
I couldn't find anything to take a picture of today :( I really didn't have a chance to look. I slept about 2 hours last night. got up, took bf to work, came home and played with the dogs outside, then we all came in and I took a nap before going to work for 10 hours... 10 long boring hours. Then I came home and put my fuzzy purple pj pants on with the leopard print and ate part of a sandwich while writing Marsi and texting Kristina and my sister and my cousin.
My muscles and bones ache - especially in my lower back - that weird bruising has appeared again there... The weather is getting cooler. It was 65 this morning when I got up. It makes me want hot cocoa, coffee and fresh baked bread. Then a fuzzy blanket and a cozy chair and a nap.
Sophia got to eat her first food today... rice cereal goo lol and she's learned Peek-A-Boo and covers her head up with the blanket. She's learned that rolling over gets her places - so I imagine she'll be crawling or scooting around soon. My sister sends me lots of pictures and videos so it's almost like being there.
I'm going to attempt sleeping for a few hours... work another 10 hour shift tomorrow...
~The Smirky One
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