Monday, October 1, 2012


Dear Kennyboy <3

My body feels crunchy and crackly. I can hear my joints and muscles and their connectors sounding like rice crispies anytime I move or stretch LOL There's a knot in the muscle behind my left shoulder blade - the skelaxin isn't doing much for it today. I'll have to see if I can get a stronger muscle relaxer prescribed. The skelaxin is fine for while I am at work since it doesn't give me any weird side effects, but it's really not strong enough for true relief of the knots in my back and legs. For now I have one of Taboo's tennis balls wedged between me and the chair. That'll last until he sees I have it ;)

Fall is here for today - it's cool outside... The air isn't crisp though, so it'll get hot again soon. The nights have been perfect in the 60's - Taboo smells like cold air when he comes inside and acts all crazy from the coolness. Fireplaces down here on the Gulf Coast are more for decoration than true use, but by Christmas, or on a particularly cold day or night, there will be a little smokiness added to the air. It'll make me think of you. You always told me that Olympia smelled like rain, wet dirt, wood smoke, cold air and trees. I wish I could have spent every season there with you. I do hate being cold - my bluds are tropical! - but I'd adapt for you. Afterall, I grew up in Michigan! I played in snow taller than my dad - and he's a giant at 6'5"! I remember the city bringing in dump trucks to haul all the snow away in town one year and dump it on the lake because there was so much of it. Walking through the sidewalks was a maze of tunnels from the drifts being so tall.

I found a recipe for almond praline Madeleine tea cakes that I can't wait to make. I found a sea shell pan in my baking stuff that is a perfect mold for them. They always make me think of silver tiered trays filled with little pastries, scones and cakes set out at fancy teas in my Victorian and historical novels lol  Yes, my guilty pleasure is historical romances - by Victoria Holt/Phillipa Carr. I can see the castles and landscapes in my head.

I'm going to back back to sleep for a bit. I love you :)

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