Saturday, September 15, 2012

pain, butterflies, cookies

Dear Kennyboy

I'm hurty bad tonight... Every joint, every muscle, every bone hurts :( I took my pain pills, my anti-inflammatory and my sleeping pill, so I don't know if I will finish this tonight before everything hopefully kicks in and knocks me out. My knees are getting worse, especially the left one. It has the least amount of cartilage left and the doctor said I'm getting a bone spur in it to go with my shifty knee cap issue. YAY. The arthritis in my hands is making my fingers twist and get all crooked. They look nothing like the pictures I took a few months ago for you. I'm getting old lady hands :( My musician/artist/painter hands are slowly becoming entirely too ugly to be beautiful.

I finally peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed today. I drank even more water - added lemons to it. then taboo jumped on my belly while hopping around the bed... Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee   OF course, tonight it's  been pitiful small amounts, Maybe I am dehydrated that much??  My next labs include a eGFR/kidney function test so I'll have an idea. 2 months ago it was 74. Last year it was 80. I'm on more toxic pills now.and my body is more stressed with pain lately...

It's Pink Floyd night.... A Momentary Lapse of Reason. I had this on cassette at one point but it disappeared during one of my many nomadic moves across the country after I first left home. The days I would just pack up what I could carry in my backpack, sell or give away the rest and find a new place to call home... I never worried about money then - I didn't have a problem finding a job anywhere I went and I actually enjoyed living in tents at parks... I'm so odd. I wasn't afraid of anything then. That woulda been the mid-late 90's... Ever wonder about what might-ifs? Different life, different time, things coulda been completely d i f f e r e n t  for both of us.

Your star is green and golden tonight. I have it with my butterfly - resting on a black velvet covered foam block on my desk when I don't wear it. I can't sleep with it on, it gets tangled in my hair :( I sleep too violently to keep them beside the bed on the nightstand. I knock books off it every night, once the lamp. I don't want to lose 'us'.

Work was slow. I miss the busy nights. When it's slow, my body starts to hurt - because I can focus on it instead of my work... I start thinking about you and how you'd send me crazy, silly or pervy kenny texts to make my night go by with smiles and giggles. I miss those texts so much! Tonight I really could have used one of those distractions from you. I baked cookies for everyone instead - lemon/lime and orange/caramel butter cookies. I had some leftover sliced citrus fruit and zest from Tuesday to use up and I had a batch of orange caramel sugar 'glass' to waste before the humidity killed it totally. I didn't feel like making anything elaborate, so the cookies won out. Everyone got a treat, I got yelled at for making the girls on diets eat cookies - Hey, I didn't shovel the cookies into their mouths... If *I* can manage to not eat cookies or cakes or whatever else I bake while I'm on this stupid anti-imflammatory diet...  You'd have liked the lemon lime ones - tart like lemon or limeade, with a hint of sweet from the powered sugar and a smooth rich finish from the butter cookie dough... YUM. Not too sweet.

I still need to come up with something on the fly tomorrow for the Director's dinner and one for the new owners dinner next week... UGH Need to research flavour trends again. I guessed right with salted caramel earlier this year. I vaguely recall something with mexican hints with dark chocolate coffee cinnamon caramel flavours. I have a cone of Mexican brown sugar infused with cinnamon and 2 new bottles of Mexican Vanilla.... I'll think on it and come up with a cake.  This is when I'd be flinging ideas at your head and you'd bounce some back and we'd come up with my next special :)

Ok, pills are making my head unable to string coherent thoughts together and my typing coordination is nil. I need to walk taboo to the bedroom with me lol

Love You Kenny

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